September 2023 Board of Regents Meeting

Sep. 7-8, 12

Materials and Videos

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Agenda: September 2023 (PDF)


8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom  
Audit & Compliance Committee   
Regent Farnsworth, Chair/Regent Gulley, Vice Chair

1.    2023-24 Committee Work Plan – J. Farnsworth/Q. Gaalswyk  
2.    Updates to the Institutional Risk Profile –K. Bonneson/M. Reierson   
3.    Internal Audit Process – Q. Gaalswyk  
4.    Updates to the Office of Internal Audit’s Charter – Review – Q. Gaalswyk

8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Special Committee on Academic Health   
Regent Wheeler, Chair/R. Johnson, Vice Chair

1.    Review of Special Committee Charge and Priorities for the Year – P. Wheeler/J. Tolar  
2.    Overview of the University’s Health Sciences – J. Tolar  
3.    Update on Governor’s Task Force to Ensure Nation-Leading Health Professions Education – J. Tolar  
4.    Academic Affiliation Agreement with CentraCare – Review – J. Tolar/K. Holmen

9:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom  
Mission Fulfillment Committee  
Regent R. Johnson, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair

15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair  
1.    2023-2024 Committee Work Plan – R. Johnson/R. Croson   
2.    Annual Report on Academic Program Changes – R. Croson   
3.    Impacts of the Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Undergraduate Admissions – R. Croson/R. McMaster   
4.    Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Croson  
5.    Information Items – R. Croson

1:00 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom  
Finance & Operations Committee  
Regent Huebsch, Chair/Regent Wheeler, Vice Chair

15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair  
1.    2023-24 Committee Work Plan – D. Huebsch/M. Frans   
2.    Interim President’s Recommended 2023 Six-Year Capital Plan and 2024 State Capital Request – Review – J. Ettinger/M. Frans/A. Roberts-Davis   
3.    Interim President's Recommended Supplemental FY 2025 State Budget Request – Review – J. Ettinger/M. Frans/J. Tonneson  
4.    Overview of University Budget Model – J. Tonneson   
5.    Real Estate Transactions – Review/Action – L. Krueger   
       A.    Sale of Approximately 280 Acres in Rosemount (UMore Park)  
6.    Duluth Campus Plan – Review – D. McMillan/L. Krueger/M. MacKenzie/S. Stennes/G. Havens  
7.    Consent Report – Review/Action – M. Frans   
8.    Information Items – M. Frans



8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom  
Governance & Policy Committee  
Regent Verhalen, Chair/Regent Mayeron, Vice Chair

1.    2023-24 Committee Work Plan – K. Verhalen/B. Steeves   
2.    Committee Delegation of Authority – Review – J. Langworthy  
3.    Board Committee Structure: Context and Principles to Guide Discussion – B. Steeves/J. Langworthy   
4.    Information Items – B. Steeves

8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room  
Special Committee on University Relations  
Regent Thao-Urabe, Chair/Regent Gulley, Vice Chair

1.    Review of Special Committee Charge and Priorities for the Year – B. Thao-Urabe/C. Tombarge   
2.    New Systemwide Marketing Campaign – C. Tombarge/A. Aronson   
3.    Introduction of Executive Director for Government and Community Relations – J. Ettinger

Approximately 15 min Following Adjournment of the Governance & Policy Committee and the Special Committee on University Relations  
Sixth Floor, Boardroom  
Board of Regents Meeting   
Regent Mayeron, Chair/Regent Huebsch & Regent Kenyanya, Co-Vice Chairs

1.    Approval of Minutes – Action – M. Kenyanya  
2.    Report of the Interim President – J. Ettinger  
3.    Report of the Chair – M. Kenyanya  
4.    Receive & File Reports – M. Kenyanya  
       A.    Virtual Forum Comments  
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – M. Kenyanya   
       A.    Gifts  
       B.    Adjustments to Board Calendar  
6.    Discussion of Key Presidential Leadership Characteristics – B. Steeves/Z. Smith/J. King/C. Pendleton/M. Rose  
7.    Annual Report of the Foundation – K. Schmidlkofer  
8.    Public Safety Update: 2023-24 Academic Year Overview – J. Ettinger/M. Frans  
9.    Report of the Committees   
10.    Old Business  
11.    New Business  
12.    Adjournment



8:00 a.m. 
West Committee Room, 6th floor McNamara Alumni Center  
Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting  
Regent T. Johnson, Chair/Regent Turner, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Special Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters - Review/Action - D. Peterson

Committee Consent Reports: 

Finance & Operations: Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Approval of use of UMore Park Funds; Capital Budget Amendments; Employment Agreement, Real Estate Transactions; Schematic Designs.   
Mission Fulfillment: Conferral of Tenure.

Committee Information Items: 

Mission Fulfillment: University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards; Agricultural Weather Study Report; Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy.  
Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Capital Finance & Debt Management Report; Strategic Facilities & Real Estate Report.  
Governance & Policy: Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy.

[Tentative Item]

Materials and videos

Board of Regents Meeting

Audit & Compliance Committee

Finance & Operations Committee

Governance & Policy Committee

Mission Fulfillment Committee

Special Committee on Academic Health

Special Committee on University Relations

Litigation Review Committee - September 12