October 2015 Board of Regents Meeting

Oct. 8-9

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Agenda: October 2015 (PDF)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Governance & Policy Committee
Regent Cohen, Chair/Regent Johnson Vice Chair
  1. 2015-16 Committee Work Plan – L. Cohen/B. Steeves
  2. Habits of Highly Effective Boards – L. Cohen/B. Steeves
  3. Board Policy Review Process – J. Langworthy
  4. Board of Regents Policy: American Indian Advisory Boards β€“ Review – K. Albert/T. Johnson
  5. Board of Regents Policy: Namings β€“ Review – A. Phenix
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.  Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Facilities, Planning & Operations Committee
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Devine, Vice Chair
  1. Schematic Design – Review/Action – P.Wheelock/S. Smith/L. Black/B. Goetz
  2. Chemical and Advanced Materials Sciences (Duluth Campus)
  3. Athletes Village (Twin Cities Campus)
    1. Capital Budget Amendments – Review/Action – P. Wheelock/S. Smith/L. Black/
      B. Goetz 
    2. Athletes Village (Twin Cities Campus)
    3. Glensheen – Restoration of Tennis Court Garden Walls (Dutluth Campus)
    4. Siebert Field – Hitting Facility (Twin Cities Campus)
      1. Project Components of the 2015 Six-Year Capital Plan and the 2016 State Capital Request – Action – P. Wheelock
      2. Ensuring a Safe University: Public Safety Update – M. Clark
      3. Long-Range Facility Planning Part 2: Assumptions and Criteria to Guide Future Six-Year Capital Planning – D. McMillan/P. Wheelock 
      4. Information Items
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.  Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Faculty & Staff Affairs Committee
Regent Simmons, Chair/Regent Hsu, Vice Chair
  1. Shaping Academic Department Culture – K. Brown/K. Hanson/C.D. Frisbie/M. Luciana
  2. Strategic Imperative: Attracting and Retaining Field Shapers – K. Brown/K. Hanson
  3. Enhancing Human Resource Work Across the Enterprise – K. Brown
  4. Information Items
12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch with ROTC Cadets and Unit Heads – Beacon Room,
University Recreation and Wellness Center
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Regent Cohen, Chair/Regent Rosha, Vice Chair
  1. University Enrollment Management – K. Hanson/R. McMaster/L. Carrell/P. Phaiah    
  2. University Tuition & Financial Aid Management – K. Hanson/R. McMaster/A. Schokker/B. Herrmann
  3. Consent Report – Review/Action – K. Hanson
1:30 – 3:30 p.m.  Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Finance Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Omari, Vice Chair
  1. Financial Components of the President’s Recommended 2015 Six-Year Capital Plan, 2016 State Capital Request, and Debt Capacity Update – Action – R. Pfutzenreuter
  2. Administrative Cost Benchmarking/Reallocation Primer – R. Pfutzenreuter/J. Tonneson/L. Kallsen
  3. GASB 68: GASB's New Standards on Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions – R. Pfutzenreuter/M. Volna
  4. Operational Excellence Initiative: Travel – R. Pfutzenreuter/M. Volna
  5. Legal Settlements Spending Plan – Review/Action – R. Pfutzenreuter
  6. Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Pfutzenreuter
  7. Information Items
3:45 – 5:15 p.m.  Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Board of Regents Work Session
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Principles and Objectives to Govern Enrollment Management Through 2025 – E. Kaler/K. Hanson/R. McMaster

Friday, October 9, 2015

7:30 – 8:15 a.m.  Breakfast Meeting – Gateway Room
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of Regents Meeting
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Approval of Minutes – Action – D. Johnson
  2. Report of the President – E. Kaler
  3. Report of the Chair – D. Johnson
  4. Consent Report – Review/Action – D. Johnson
    1. Gifts
    2. Appointments to University of MN Foundation Board of Trustees
  5. University Progress Card – Action – E. Kaler/L. Kallsen
  6. President’s Recommended 2015 Six-Year Capital Plan – Action – E. Kaler/R. Pfutzenreuter/P. Wheelock
  7. President’s Recommended 2016 State Capital Request – Action –  E. Kaler/R. Pfutzenreuter/P. Wheelock
  8. Update on UMTC Strategic Plan Implementation – E. Kaler/K. Hanson
  9. Primer on Minnesota Open Meeting Law – W. Donohue/T. Smith
  10. M-Health Letter of Intent – Review/Action – E. Kaler/B. Jackson/B. Daniels
  11. Cost Drivers at the University – E. Kaler/R. Pfutzenreuter/J. Tonneson
  12. Report of the Committees
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports: 

Academic & Student Affairs: Request for Approval of New Academic Programs; Request for Approval of Changed Academic Programs; Finance: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations, Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over

Committee Information Items: 

Facilities, Planning & Operations: Final Projects Review: Athletes Village (Twin Cities Campus), Bee Discovery and Pollinator Center (Landscape Arboretum), Bee Research Lab (Twin Cities Campus), Mechanical Engineering Lab Renovations (Twin Cities Campus); Faculty & Staff Affairs: Update on Noteworthy Items, Administrative Actions, and Policy Issues; Finance: Quarterly Investment Advisory Committee Update; Debt Management Advisory Committee Update

[Tentative Item]