May 2020 Board of Regents Meeting

May 7-8

Materials and Videos

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Agenda: May 2020 (PDF)


9:00 a.m. Videoconference 
Audit & Compliance Committee 
Regent Rosha, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair

1.    COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Audit, Compliance, and Internal Control Impacts – G. Klatt/B. Kumher/M. Volna/S. Paulson
2.    Information Items – G. Klatt

10:15 a.m. Videoconference 
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent Anderson, Chair/Regent Davenport, Vice Chair

1.    Introduction of Executive Vice President and Provost – J. Gabel
2.    COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Academic Impacts – J. Gabel/R. Croson/C. Cramer/R. McMaster 
3.    Promotion and Tenure, and Annual Continuous Appointments – Review/Action – R. Croson
4.    Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Croson 
5.    Information Items – R. Croson

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. - Break


1:00 p.m. Videoconference
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Beeson, Vice Chair 
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1.    COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Financial and Operational Impacts – J. Gabel/B. Burnett/M. Berthelsen/B. Gulachek/K. Horstman
2.    President’s Recommended FY 2021 Annual Operating Budget – Review – J. Gabel/B. Burnett/J. Tonneson/K. Horstman
3.    President’s Recommended FY 2021 Annual Capital Improvement Budget – Review – J. Gabel/B. Burnett/M. Berthelsen 
4.    Real Estate Transactions – Review – L. Krueger
        A. Purchase of 1015 Essex Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Twin Cities campus)
        B. Sale of Approximately 435 Acres, Rosemount, Minnesota (UMore Park)
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – B. Burnett
6.    Information Items – B. Burnett

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020 

9:00 a.m. Videoconference
Board of Regents Meeting 
Regent Powell, Chair/Regent Sviggum, Vice Chair

1.    Approval of Minutes – Action – K. Powell
2.    Report of the President – J. Gabel
3.    Report of the Chair – K. Powell
4.    Receive & File Reports
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – K. Powell  
       A.    Gifts
       B.    Report of the Naming Committee
       C.    Appointments to East Gateway Project Committee
6.    COVID-19 Pandemic: University’s Service to Minnesota During Pandemic Response – J. Gabel
7.    Systemwide Strategic Plan, Part I – Review – J. Gabel 
8.    COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Impacts on Academic Health Enterprise and the Medical School – Action – J. Gabel/J. Tolar/P. Mitsch
9.    COVID-19 Pandemic: Preliminary Impacts on Athletics – J Gabel/M. Coyle/R. McFarland
10.   Report of the Committees 
11.   Old Business
12.   New Business
13.   Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports: 

Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Amendments to Retirement Plans; Course Fees Refund for Spring 2020; Principles for Allocating Federal CARES Act Funds for Student Assistance; Schematic Designs.
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes.

Committee Information Items: 

Finance & Operations: Annual Investment Performance: Peer Comparisons; Annual Report on Workforce and Total Compensation; Investment Advisory Committee Update; Quarterly Asset Management Report; Semi-Annual Management Report – Unaudited; Update on Changes to the Faculty Retirement Plan.
Mission Fulfillment: Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy; University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards.
Audit & Compliance: Institutional Compliance Officer Semi-Annual Report; Engagements Less Than $100,00 Requiring After-the-Fact Reporting. 

[Tentative Item]

Materials and videos

Board of Regents 

Audit & Compliance Committee 

Finance & Operations Committee

Mission Fulfillment Committee