February 2024 Board of Regents Meeting

Feb. 8-9, 13, 26

Materials and Videos

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Agenda: February 2024 (PDF)


7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast with State Legislators – Capitol Hall Room
Radisson Hotel St. Paul Downtown – 161 St. Anthony Ave, St. Paul


9:45 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Audit & Compliance Committee
Regent Farnsworth, Chair/Regent Gulley, Vice Chair

1.    External Auditor’s Review of Completed Audit Work – M. Viola/J. Dockendorf/N. Hoium
2.    FY 2024 External Audit Plan – M. Viola/J. Bushong/D. Persaud 
3.    Internal Audit Update – Q. Gaalswyk 
4.    Information Items – Q. Gaalswyk

9:45 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Special Committee on Academic Health
Regent Wheeler, Chair/Regent R. Johnson, Vice Chair

1.    Governor’s Task Force on Academic Health at the : Final Report and Next Steps – P. Wheeler/J. Ettinger/J. Tolar

11:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent R. Johnson, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair

15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1.    Higher Learning Commission Accreditation for the Rochester and Twin Cities Campuses 2025 Update – R. Croson/R. McMaster/E. Slattengren
2.    Term Faculty and Instructional Staff: Twin Cities Campus – R. Croson/B. Lewis
3.    Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Croson
4.    Information Items – R. Croson

2:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent Huebsch, Chair/Regent Wheeler, Vice Chair

15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1.    FY 2025 Annual Operating Budget Framework – J. Tonneson
2.    Evolution of the University’s Employment Structure – K. Horstman/L. Kallsen
3.    MPact 2025: Sustainability Update – S. Stennes
4.    Amendment to the University’s Supplemental FY 2025 State Budget Request – Action – J. Ettinger/M. Frans
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – M. Frans 
6.    Information Items – M. Frans



8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Governance & Policy Committee
Regent Verhalen, Chair/Regent Mayeron, Vice Chair

1.    Board of Regents Policy: Reservation and Delegation of Authority – Review – B. Steeves/J. Langworthy
2.    Presidential Conflicts of Interest – Review – J. Langworthy/TBD
3.    Board Committee Structure: Next Steps – B. Steeves/J. Langworthy
4.    Information Items – B. Steeves

8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Special Committee on University Relations
Regent Thao-Urabe, Chair/Regent Gulley, Vice Chair

1.    Government Relations Update – M. López Franzen
2.    Overview of Public Relations and Internal Communications at the University – C. Tombarge
3.    Public Relations and Internal Communications Best Practices in Higher Education – 
C. Tombarge

Approximately 15 min Following Adjournment of the Governance & Policy Committee and the Special Committee on University Relations
Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of Regents Meeting 
Regent Mayeron, Chair/Regent Huebsch & Regent Kenyanya, Co-Vice Chairs

1.    Approval of Minutes – Action – J. Mayeron
2.    Report of the Interim President – J. Ettinger
3.    Report of the Chair – J. Mayeron
4.    Receive & File Reports – J. Mayeron 
       A.    Virtual Forum Comments
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – J. Mayeron
       A.    Gifts
       B.    Election of Interim Treasurer
       C.    Memorandum of Understanding with the Alumni Association
       D.    Report of the All-University Honors Committee
       E.    Report of the Naming Committee 
6.    University Performance and Accountability Report – Action – J. Ettinger/R. Croson
7.    Select Finalists to be Interviewed for President of the – Review/Action – J. Mayeron
8.    Reports of Committees
       A.    Standing Committees
       B.    Special Committees
9.    Old Business
10.    New Business
11.    Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Board of Regents to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters – Review/Action – J. Mayeron
12.    Adjournment



4:30 p.m.
West Committee Room, 6th floor McNamara Alumni Center
Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting
Regent T. Johnson, Chair/Regent Turner, Vice Chair

1.    Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Special Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters - Review/Action - D. Peterson



9:00 a.m.
Boardroom, 6th floor McNamara Alumni Center
Board of Regents Meeting 
Regent Mayeron, Chair/Regent Huebsch & Regent Kenyanya, Co-Vice Chairs

1.    Interview Finalists for President of the - Discussion - J. Mayeron 
2.    Appointment of President of the - Review/Action - J. Mayeron

Committee Consent Reports: 

Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Capital Budget Amendments; Employment Agreements; Real Estate Transactions; Schematic Designs.
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes; Conferral of Tenure; Bell Museum Collection Management Policy.

Committee Information Items: 

Audit & Compliance: Engagement Less Than $100,000 Requiring After-the-Fact Reporting. 
Finance & Operations: Reports to the State of Minnesota: Biomedical Science Research Facilities Funding Program Capital Appropriations Expenditure; Contamination Remediation of University Land in Rosemount and Unemployment Insurance Aid.
Governance & Policy: Referral of Motion. 
Mission Fulfillment: University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards; Reports to the State of Minnesota: Voter Registration; Minnesota P–20 Education Partnership; Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Expenditures.

Non-Public Social Events

[Tentative Item]

Materials and videos

Board of Regents Special Meeting - February 26

Board of Regents Meeting

Audit & Compliance Committee

Finance & Operations Committee

Governance & Policy Committee

Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting - February 13

Mission Fulfillment Committee

Special Committee on Academic Health

Special Committee on University Relations