May 2019 Board of Regents Meeting

May 9-10

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Agenda: May 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019 

7:45 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom 
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent Omari, Chair/Regent Lucas, Vice Chair 
  1. Promotion and Tenure: Context; Policy and Process; Rationale and Role of Tenure in Higher Education 鈥 K. Hanson/R. Ropers 
  2. Promotion and Tenure, and Annual Continuous Appointments 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 K. Hanson/R. Ropers
  3. Transfer Students at the University 鈥 R. McMaster/B. Lingren Clark/S. Van Voorhis
  4. Consent Report 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 K. Hanson
  5. Information Items 鈥 K. Hanson
11:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Audit & Compliance Committee
Regent Cohen, Chair/Regent Powell, Vice Chair
  1. Review of External Auditor Relationship and Services Provided 鈥 S. Paulson
  2. External Audit Plan 鈥 J. Dockendorf/S. Paulson
  3. Compliance Initiatives: Compliance Risk Review Process 鈥 B. Kumher
  4. Topics for 2019-20 Committee Workplan 鈥 G. Klatt
  5. Information Items 鈥 G. Klatt
11:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Litigation Review Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Johnson, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 D. Peterson
12:30 p.m. Board of Regents Lunch
1:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent Anderson, Chair/Regent Johnson, Vice Chair

15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

  1. Annual Report on Workforce and Total Compensation 鈥 K. Brown/K. Horstman
  2. FY 2019 O&M Position Approval Process Update 鈥 B. Burnett/J. Tonneson/K. Zewers
  3. President鈥檚 Recommended FY 2020 Annual Capital Improvement Budget 鈥 Review 鈥 E. Kaler/B. Burnett/M. Berthelsen
  4. Real Estate Transactions 鈥 Review 鈥 L. Krueger
    A. Land Exchange for Properties on W. Saint Marie Street and Gold Street, Duluth (Duluth campus)
  5. Real Estate Transactions 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 L. Krueger
    A. Purchase of Properties on Erie Street S.E., Minneapolis (Twin Cities campus)
  6. Resolution Related to the Operating Agreement for the 2515 University Avenue S.E. LLC 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 L. Krueger/E. Zamzow
  7. Consent Report 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 B. Burnett
  8. Information Items 鈥 B. Burnett
6:00 p.m. Dinner with System Campus Leaders 鈥 Eastcliff

Friday, May 10, 2019

8:15 a.m. Reception to Honor Award Recipients 鈥 Sixth Floor Lobby
9:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of Regents Meeting
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Powell, Vice Chair

Lunch break to be taken at call of the Chair

  1. Recognitions 鈥 E. Kaler/K. Hanson
    A. Distinguished McKnight University Professor Awards
    B. McKnight Land-Grant Professors
    C. McKnight Presidential Fellows
    D. National Academy Members and Other Major Faculty Awards
    E. Academy of Distinguished Teachers 
    i. Horace T. Morse-91探花 Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education 
    ii. Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate & Professional Education 
    F. John Tate Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
    G. Outstanding Community Service Award
    H. Community-Engaged Scholar Awards
    I. President鈥檚 Award for Outstanding Service
    J. National Scholarship Recipients
    K. NCAA Champions 
  2. Approval of Minutes 鈥 Action 鈥 D. McMillan
  3. Report of the President 鈥 E. Kaler
  4. Report of the Chair 鈥 D. McMillan
  5. Consent Report 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 D. McMillan
    A. Gifts
    B. Report of the All-University Honors Committee
    C. Temporary Housing Arrangement for Incoming President 
  6. UMC, UMD, UMM, UMR Enrollment Plans 鈥 Action 鈥 M. Behr/L. Black/L. Carrell/M. Holz-Clause 
  7. Resolution Related to Alcoholic Beverage Sales at 3M Arena at Mariucci and Williams Arena, Twin Cities Campus 鈥 Review/Action 鈥 J. Steadland/M. Coyle
  8. Report of the Committees 
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports:

Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Employment Agreements; Eastcliff Improvement Projects. 
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes; Conferral of Tenure; Conferral of Faculty Emeritus Title. 

Committee Information Items: 

Audit & Compliance: Institutional Compliance Officer Semi-Annual Report; Engagements Less than $100,000 Requiring After鈥恡he鈥怓act Reporting; Report of FY 2019 Audit and Audit鈥怢ike Services Performed by Deloitte & Touche LLP Since February 2019.
Finance & Operations: Annual Investment Performance: Peer Comparisons; Investment Advisory Committee Update; Quarterly Asset Management Report; Semi-Annual Management Report 鈥 Unaudited; Update on 2016 Resolution Related to Long鈥怲erm Development in Key Areas of the Twin Cities Campus; Update on April 2019 Debt Offering鈥怱eries 2019 A, 2019 B, and 2019C.
Mission Fulfillment: Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards.

[Tentative Item]


Board of Regents

Audit & Compliance Committee

Finance & Operations Committee

Litigation Review Committee

Mission Fulfillment Committee
